So, the old Hindi-begun story goes that rain on your wedding day is good luck. It comes from the fact that a knot that has become wet is very difficult to untie. And while very few people hope for a wedding celebration full of rain, I have never met a rainy wedding day that didn’t turn out absolutely perfectly. ☀️
Morgan and Walt’s wedding was no different. Planned for the most popular wedding date in the entire year of 2020, their October 10, 2020 wedding called for rain. And rain it certainly did do — but not before we celebrated some of the most beautiful moments.
This genuinely remarkable couple exudes kindness. Everything about the way they treat one another, their friends, family, and even their wedding vendors exuded all that was peaceful and kind. Their simple dedication to their celebration and those that joined them on their wedding day deserved the best wedding ever. It was perfect. And if you ask me, the rain on the clear-view tent created and pretty rad reception scene. 😎
Thank you for including me in your gorgeous day, Morgan and Walt. I am grateful to know you!