How to Get It All Done When You Really Can’t | Hack 2, Be Mindful of Location

virginia beach branding photographer sarah keenan miller chesapeake small business coach branding strategist norfolk williamsburg premier wedding photographer family beach pictures boudoir

Hey Mama’s (and, Papa’s for that matter!).  Do you ever struggle with making all the things happen in any given day?  Yep!  Me, too!

I’ve literally heard since I began adulting the phrase “Work- Life Balance.” But, here is the real talk. It isn’t a balance. It is simply managing priorities, winning some, losing others, and finding some since of humor along the way. When you can master that (and trust me, it isn’t easy), you will find yourself and your crew in a lot better place.
Working Mom Hack No. 2
Be Mindful of Locations
This seems like a no-brainer, right?  As parents we are super mindful of where we have to be and when.  Who has to go where and at what time.  That’s where many of us win the Gold Medal each day 🥇  We have become pros at making sure our kids are where they need to be at the correct times, even if that means some of our other priorities fall off of Today’s To-Do List and on to tomorrows.
Am I Right?
About 7 years ago I made a pact with myself that I would get up early enough every morning to provide myself an hour or two alone for prayer, stretching, and planning- before anyone else in the house was up.  I’ve stuck to that.

Now, here is the hack.  During that planning time I look at the priorities of each day and lump each of these items by location, then schedule them around priorities with a set-in-stone timeframe.

For example, if Mary Catherine has to be at soccer in Virginia Beach at 5pm and I have 2 other stops nearby or on the way to that Va Beach location, I schedule those additional stops before or after I drop-off MC at soccer.

Or, if I need to take Amazon returns to UPS at some point during the week, I choose a location nearby the grocery store, my children’s sports practice, or a client appointment and leave enough time to make that additional stop while I’m out and about.

It takes a little pre-planning.  But, the pre-plan can occur before your world turns on full-speed each day.  And I promise that while this may only save you 10-15 minutes here and there, those minutes add up.  

So, take a deep breath and geo map your day!  A simple hack to give yourself back time to do what needs to get done. 🤗

#youvegotthis #messesandall

With GRit + GRace~


Premier Virginia branding Photographer
virginia beach | Chesapeake | Hampton Roads | Williamsburg

meet sarah


Hello there!  Sarah here!
Thank you for taking time to stop in.  I am excited to hear more about your journey and how I might best serve you. 

I am wrapping up my 18th year as a branding specialist, photographer and business coach. “You Did Not Wake-up Today to Be Mediocre” is the motto in our home. And, I do my best to live with genuine Faith and excitement in what is present at any given moment!

I have an affinity to all things light and airy.  I love color, sunshine, romance, and laughter.  I love inspirational quotes, meeting new people, flowers, and the idea of finishing a great book.  My go-to drink is coffee.  My outlet is running.  And, aallllll of my free time is spent with my amazing crew.  I love relationships and tend to love really, really big.

I am grateful for this unpredictable, exciting, emotional career full of people like you.  Connections with others and the creation of awesome outcomes are my number one work priority.  I am so glad that you’ve stopped by and are looking around.  I’m not certain that we’ve even met.  But, I can tell you that I am already entirely excited about working with and serving you.

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