Adding Personal Touches to Your Wedding Ceremony | Annabelle + Ivy Williamsburg Wedding Photographer

Hi friends!!  It is Tuesday around here…and, that means it is time for the Sarah Keenan, Photographer Tuesday Tip!  Whoohoo!  Haha!  Man, I get excited about sharing these fun ideas 🤣  Today- Let’s Chat about Your Wedding Ceremony.  But, not just the timeline or outline or procession order.  Not where your sweet grandmother should sit or if you should keep your ceremony “unplugged”… I mean you already know the answer is yes (Right??!)  😊  Today- let’s talk about creating something unique and memorable for your wedding ceremony.  Finding the thing or two that will speak to you and your family.  That will create a story to tell your children one day or a new family tradition that could be passed to your niece or nephew.  Let’s find some ways to make your ceremony uniquely yours.

In the grand scheme of your wedding day the ceremony itself takes up such a small portion of the time; but it is this special space that is packed with the most meaning and arguably the most important sliver of the day. Today I want to share some ways to add personal touches to really make the most of this part of your event, making it memorable for you, your fiancé and your treasured attendants and guests.

knoxville wedding family photographer

Your Dress

Perhaps you are not in a position to wear your mother’s vintage wedding dress. That’s okay!  This day is YOURS and you should wear something that is absolutely 100% you! Does your mother still have her veil? The jewelry she wore? What about your grandmother or favorite aunt? You can even take a piece of her dress and have it incorporated into your dress, bouquet, veil, or ring pillow for special meaning. These are just a few ways to have the amazing women in your family incorporated into your wedding day and ceremony.

The Processional

There are several very beautiful traditional processional arrangements that are played when the bride walks down the aisle. That doesn’t mean that you have to choose one of them! Consider a song that speaks to you and makes you happy. Here are a few beautiful procession songs I’ve heard most recently:

Your Song by Elton John
First Day of My Life by Bright Eyes
My My Love by Joshua Radin
Angel by Jack Johnson

The Officiant

Certainly there are many experienced and wonderful officiants you can hire for your special day, but what if the dear friend that introduced you and your boyfriend at that summer barbecue three years ago were to marry you? Or your theatrical, well-spoken older brother who has become best friends with your fiancé? If they are comfortable with it, it can make for a beautiful, memorable ceremony. To get started, go online and do a search in your preferred religion or even under a non-denominational license.  Just double check with your state of marriage that the licensing is legal.

A Unity Ceremony

Over the many years and locations that I have had the experience of photographing weddings I have seen some very traditional weddings and I have seen some SO-not-traditional weddings. ☺️ They were all super awesome and special to each unique couple- And, that is what made each experience so cool.  Hoping to create a ceremony that is uniquely you?  Add a special ceremony tradition to your day.

Great Examples::
Sand Ceremony
Plant a Tree or Potted Plant
A Dove Release (see first image in this post…so amazing!)
Shell Toss
Knot Tying
Blanket Wrap
Create a Time Capsule
Sundial Ceremony
Communion or Wine Ceremony
Candle Lighting
Broom Jump

You guys!  The list goes on and on.  and, the neat part about each of the above mentioned unity rituals is that the majority of them have a very deep cultural background and story.  Find one that speaks to the two of you and create the perfect fit for your wedding day ceremony.

These are just a few ways to add a personal twist to your ceremony. Want more ideas? I love to brainstorm with my brides about wedding planning.  Oh- – And, don’t forget to let your wedding photography and videography teams know about your unique plans.  We want to make sure we capture the beautiful details.   Get in touch!

With Grit & Grace~
Sarah Keenan, Wedding Photographer
Westland Farms Studio
Knoxville | Asheville | Chattanooga | Nashville




With GRit + GRace~


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Hello there!  Sarah here!
Thank you for taking time to stop in.  I am excited to hear more about your journey and how I might best serve you. 

I am wrapping up my 18th year as a branding specialist, photographer and business coach. “You Did Not Wake-up Today to Be Mediocre” is the motto in our home. And, I do my best to live with genuine Faith and excitement in what is present at any given moment!

I have an affinity to all things light and airy.  I love color, sunshine, romance, and laughter.  I love inspirational quotes, meeting new people, flowers, and the idea of finishing a great book.  My go-to drink is coffee.  My outlet is running.  And, aallllll of my free time is spent with my amazing crew.  I love relationships and tend to love really, really big.

I am grateful for this unpredictable, exciting, emotional career full of people like you.  Connections with others and the creation of awesome outcomes are my number one work priority.  I am so glad that you’ve stopped by and are looking around.  I’m not certain that we’ve even met.  But, I can tell you that I am already entirely excited about working with and serving you.

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