Branding with a Purpose, Small Business Personal Branding | Virginia Beach Branding Photographer + Branding Strategist

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Hi Friends!

When I took the huge leap of faith that landed me where I am today, I left my corporate America job, got a business license, invested in good equipment and education, took every opportunity to practice my trade, and built a website. Boom! Just like that, I was a small business entrepreneur.

A Dream is important.  But, it is just a Dream until Hustle and a Plan are Put Into Action.


Haha!  I’m pretty sure there is probably a more eloquent way to say that.  But, it is the facts.

I worked my tail off. I built my pricing. I slashed my pricing. I spent un-Godly amounts of money on marketing and advertising. I drove my emotional health into the ground. I was succeeding. But, not the way I wanted to and knew that I could. A little bit of running that ridiculous rat-race made me keenly aware that although each of those steps were incredibly important- they were never going to make a me the successful entrepreneur that could serve the people I wanted and needed to serve. I would need something more. Something that made me stand out. Something that would facilitate the love I had for the people I served.

I needed a Purposeful Brand.

Building a brand with purpose isn’t easy. But, it is absolutely one of the most important things any business can do. From small-town photographer to huge corporations like Target, Coca-Cola, and Under Armour, it is the Brand that calls to your people, your followers, those that will mesh with your services, and help grow your business to best serve others. And, taking one more huge step forward, creating a Brand that has Purpose will speak the most clearly and the loudest.

Amazing Information, Products, and Service are the most important thing you can give your Brand Following crowd. But, a Brand with a Purpose is the most important thing that you can give your business.

This is Why:: More and more people are looking toward brands that are more than just the product, service, or information that is being sold. Consumers want to know that we are bigger than our profit line, taking a stance in a world of so much difference.

Every business has a purpose, a reason that its owner took a step away from what was mainstream to pursue the dream of owning their own business. But, as entrepreneurs we do not always talk about what got us started, the Why of what we do, our Purpose.

As a business owner that loves the challenge of helping others build a Personal Brand, I’m telling you- Don’t just talk about your Why.

Be your Why.

Build your Purpose into your Brand and spread the love for what and why you do all over this land. Your clients want to know you. And, there is nothing more powerful that a Personal Brand with a Heavy Splash of Purpose.

I’d love to help you. I’ve been there. I get it. But if you’ve got the hustle and the dream, you’ve got what it takes. Please contact me for more Information on how I can help you build a Personal Brand that speaks.


With GRit + GRace~


Premier Virginia branding Photographer
virginia beach | Chesapeake | Hampton Roads | Williamsburg

meet sarah


Hello there!  Sarah here!
Thank you for taking time to stop in.  I am excited to hear more about your journey and how I might best serve you. 

I am wrapping up my 18th year as a branding specialist, photographer and business coach. “You Did Not Wake-up Today to Be Mediocre” is the motto in our home. And, I do my best to live with genuine Faith and excitement in what is present at any given moment!

I have an affinity to all things light and airy.  I love color, sunshine, romance, and laughter.  I love inspirational quotes, meeting new people, flowers, and the idea of finishing a great book.  My go-to drink is coffee.  My outlet is running.  And, aallllll of my free time is spent with my amazing crew.  I love relationships and tend to love really, really big.

I am grateful for this unpredictable, exciting, emotional career full of people like you.  Connections with others and the creation of awesome outcomes are my number one work priority.  I am so glad that you’ve stopped by and are looking around.  I’m not certain that we’ve even met.  But, I can tell you that I am already entirely excited about working with and serving you.

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